
Showing posts from 2010

Communism Cloaked in Debt

The Communist Takeover Of America - 45 Declared Goals From Greg Swank You are about to read a list of 45 goals that found their way down the halls of our great Capitol back in 1963. As you read this, 39 years later, you should be shocked by the events that have played themselves out. I first ran across this list 3 years ago but was unable to attain a copy and it has bothered me ever since. Recently, Jeff Rense posted it on his site and I would like to thank him for doing so. Communist Goals (1963) Congressional Record--Appendix, pp. A34-A35 January 10, 1963 Current Communist Goals EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. A. S. HERLONG, JR. OF FLORIDA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, January 10, 1963 . Mr. HERLONG. Mr. Speaker, Mrs. Patricia Nordman of De Land, Fla., is an ardent and articulate opponent of communism, and until recently published the De Land Courier, which she dedicated to the purpose of alerting the public to the dangers of communism in America. At Mr...

NWO and GMO - Just Say NO!

Monsanto Appeals Order to Uproot GM Sugar Beets   by Dan Flynn | Dec 02, 2010   The first possible destruction of a genetically modified crop in the United States is not going to happen without review by higher courts. Monsanto Company said Wednesday it would appeal a ruling by U.S. District Court Judge Jeffrey White of San Francisco to uproot limited late-season and isolated plantings of sugar beet seedlings, or stecklings, authorized in September under permits issued by USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). It is possible the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), on behalf of APHIS, will join the Monsanto appeal. According to Monsanto, Judge White's order does not affect the 2010 Roundup Ready sugar beet seed crop, which had been planted earlier in the year, prior to the September permits. It said the destruction order would have little impact on the sugar beet crop that farmers anticipate planting in 2011. Stecklings produced in 2010 supply seed for root cr...
The Sad Road to Socialism What happens When Private Property is No Longer a Right by John Loeffler, Steel on Steel ( ) (c) 2008 All Rights Reserved “But if the government undertakes to control and to raise wages, and cannot do it; if the government undertakes to care for all who may be in want, and cannot do it; if the government undertakes to support all unemployed workers, and cannot do it; if the government undertakes to lend interest-free money to all borrowers, and cannot do it; if .... ‘The state considers that its purpose is to enlighten, to develop, to enlarge, to strengthen, to spiritualize, and to sanctify the soul of the people’ -- and if the government cannot do all of these things, what then? Is it not certain that after every government failure -- which, alas! is more than probable -- there will be an equally inevitable revolution?” - Frederic Bastiat, “The Law,” June, 1850 : It’s been more than 1...

From Babylon and Beyond

Iran: Gold bazaar on strike as merchants square off with government over tax hike Tehran's main gold bazaar is usually glittering with precious baubles and jewelry fit for royalty, but the last several days have seen it shuttered and empty as the union of goldsmiths and jewelers strikes against a 3% value-added tax. "We'll stay on strike until the negotiation gets results," Ali Mosavi, a goldsmith in the bazaar, told Babylon & Beyond. "This is the third year we are protesting and so far we have been able to resist [the tax hike]." The strike appears to be affecting the retail and wholesale gold markets of Tehran's main bazaar as well as the markets of other Iranian cities like Esfahan, Mashhad and Tabriz, but not non-union jewelry stores outside the bazaars. The government's economic committee issued a statement condemning the strike against the tax, which, it claims, will eliminate illegal transactions and money laundering in the gold market. ...

Ground Zero Mosque and it's Imam

Mosques and the Islamization of America by Amil Imani Aug 2010 Disguised as religion, Islam has penetrated democracies with the aim of replacing civility and liberty with the barbarism of 7th century Islamic theocracy and Sharia law. Islam’s multi-pronged attack aims to destroy all that liberty offers. America, with a long tradition of protecting religious freedom, still clings to the “hands off” practice of leaving alone any doctrine or practice billed as religion. A thorny problem is in deciding what constitutes a religion and who is to make that call. We must keep in mind that to be a loyal and faithful Muslim, a Muslim must adhere to and perform many obligatory acts, as specified in the Quran by Allah and the Hadith/Sunna, during his entire life.  The mosque serves as a house where Muslim devotees gather together for salat (prayer) and worshiping Allah and his messenger, the prophet Muhammad. Aside from worshiping Allah, a mosque is used for a variety of reasons. These meeting pl...

Turkey and Israel in War of Words

Israel flies families out... DEBKAfile Exclusive Report June 2, 2010, 7:21 AM  Early Wednesday, June 2, US president Barack Obama stepped into the fast-deteriorating flotilla crisis to stop it from spinning out of control. In secret phone calls, he asked Israeli prime minister Binyamin Netanyahu to release all the remaining passengers without delay as well as the six ships. He then tried to reason with the incandescent Turkish prime minister Recep Erdogan, who had just branded the Israeli raid a "bloody massacre." Offering deep condolences for the loss of life aboard the flotilla, the US president said better ways must be found to bring humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza without undermining Israel's security. He supported the UN Security Council's call for "a credible, impartial and transparent investigation" of the event, but refused to condemn Israel or take the inquiry out of its hands.  Debkafile reports from Ankara that Erdogan declined to be talked...

The Road to Serfdom

HALF OF US DEBT IS OWED TO THE FED By: Henry Makow Chelsea Clinton's engagement to Jewish banker Marc Mezvinsky, who works for Goldman Sachs, is another reminder that America is ruled by the Illuminati clan, joined by marriage, money and love of Lucifer. (Al Gore's daughter married the grandson of Jewish banker, Jacob Schiff.) The source of Illuminati power is the Fed which has pilfered the US government's credit card and used it to buy politicians and everything else worth owning, creating trillions in tax payer debt. That money Ben Bernanke is throwing from the helicopter cost the Fed owners pennies but they expect the US taxpayer to refund face value. To be specific, the US National Debt is expected to reach $13 Trillion this year. That's about $44,000 for everyone in the US. Almost six Trillion will be owed to the private Illuminati families who own the banks that own the Fed. For fiscal 2009, US taxpayers will cough up $380 Billion in interest, half of that to t...

New World Order:Destroying Capitalism

Smoke and Mirrors in the Halls of DeCeit;While The Beat goes On While there was no "You Lie" hurled at the 'Fresh Prince of Thin Air' ,  Justice Alito of SCOTUS pronounced an Imperial Spin as ' Not True ' It is also "demogoguery of the worst kind...  Where have the Statesmen Gone [?] Neither Party finds or promotes those with this character trait. This was another missed opportunity to show leadership in response to what the vast majority citizens have called for. The term Public Service; BO is fond of using that; conveys an image of SERVING the PUBLI C by being responsive... especially in matters of domestic policy. Thus in grading on a 'curve' the President gets an F until and unless he drops his Marxist/Sal Alinsky ... Dream AP Fact Check on the long winded propaganda HERE: Below is a contextualized summary of the 'lecture' and BO's past year ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morning Bell: A Speech Only Washington Could ...

Can The World Trust WHO?

WHO Advisor Secretly Pads Pockets with Big Pharma Money In Finland, sits a state employee researcher with a problem. It did begin well. This year Professor Juhani Eskolas vaccine research program got 47 million dollars for research into pneumococcal vaccine from the danish medical manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline. The largest single contribution the professor's institution has received in 2009. But then came the press, and then came the Finnish Minister of Health with wagging fingers, and now sits Finnish professor suddenly in a national conflict of interest. Juhani Eskola is also an advisor to WHO's so-called SAGE group. And it means something when you get 47 million dollars of industry. And he do not disclose it . Since November, the danish newspaper Information described seven WHO experts who have either secondary job as consultants for the pharmaceutical industry or get their research funded by the pharmaceutical industry. The same experts who counseled the WHO General Margaret...

Penetration Even At The Pentagon

  Muslim Spies Setting Muslim Policy By PAUL SPERRY Posted 12/17/2009 07:34 PM ET IBD Special Series: Jihadist 5th Column: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3   The internal threat from Muslim extremists in the military extends to high-level Defense Department aides who have undermined military policy. In fact, one top Muslim adviser pushed out an intelligence analyst who warned of the sudden jihad syndrome that led to the Fort Hood terrorist attack. An honored guest of the Ramadan dinner at the Pentagon this September was Hesham Islam, who infiltrated the highest echelons of the Ring despite proven ties to U.S. terror front groups and a shady past in his native Egypt. As senior adviser for international affairs to former deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England, Islam ran interference for the Islamic Society of North America and other radical fronts for the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood, the subject of my new book "Muslim Mafia." For example, Islam persuaded brass to sack a Pentagon ...