New World Order:Destroying Capitalism

Smoke and Mirrors in the Halls of DeCeit;While The Beat goes On While there was no "You Lie" hurled at the 'Fresh Prince of Thin Air' , Justice Alito of SCOTUS pronounced an Imperial Spin as ' Not True ' It is also "demogoguery of the worst kind... Where have the Statesmen Gone [?] Neither Party finds or promotes those with this character trait. This was another missed opportunity to show leadership in response to what the vast majority citizens have called for. The term Public Service; BO is fond of using that; conveys an image of SERVING the PUBLI C by being responsive... especially in matters of domestic policy. Thus in grading on a 'curve' the President gets an F until and unless he drops his Marxist/Sal Alinsky ... Dream AP Fact Check on the long winded propaganda HERE: Below is a contextualized summary of the 'lecture' and BO's past year ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Morning Bell: A Speech Only Washington Could ...