
Showing posts from February, 2010

The Road to Serfdom

HALF OF US DEBT IS OWED TO THE FED By: Henry Makow Chelsea Clinton's engagement to Jewish banker Marc Mezvinsky, who works for Goldman Sachs, is another reminder that America is ruled by the Illuminati clan, joined by marriage, money and love of Lucifer. (Al Gore's daughter married the grandson of Jewish banker, Jacob Schiff.) The source of Illuminati power is the Fed which has pilfered the US government's credit card and used it to buy politicians and everything else worth owning, creating trillions in tax payer debt. That money Ben Bernanke is throwing from the helicopter cost the Fed owners pennies but they expect the US taxpayer to refund face value. To be specific, the US National Debt is expected to reach $13 Trillion this year. That's about $44,000 for everyone in the US. Almost six Trillion will be owed to the private Illuminati families who own the banks that own the Fed. For fiscal 2009, US taxpayers will cough up $380 Billion in interest, half of that to t...