Power and Pride - Two Space Age Products

North Korea is starving while Pyongyang pursues ICBM.
While this is not a recent revelation; hunger pangs seem destined to breach even the militarized fortifications that are the heart of DPRK power. The latest figures I have read from UN World Food Program indicate nearly a third of current NK people depend on food aid indicating the situation is growing ever more dangerous.
An emergency humanitarian program that began last year has ceased due to NK governmental restrictions placed on the agency’s operation and dwindling donations. Ian Kelly, U.S. State Department spokesman, indicated any future aid will have strings attached.
“We currently have no plans to provide additional food aid to North Korea, and any additional food would have to have assurances that it would be appropriately used” Kelly further stated; “We remain very concerned about the well-being of the North Korean people. But we are very concerned because we need to have adequate program management in place, monitoring and access provisions, and we don’t have that right now.”
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton previously stated there would be no U.S. economic aid to Pyongyang unless the North returned to the six-party denuclearization talks. South Korea’s Ministry of Strategy and Finance estimated North Korea’s total grain production may reach about 4.3 million tons far short of the minimum 5.1 million tons needed to feed its people. Without sufficient food to protect his troops from hunger Kim Jong Ill may finally come face to face with very harsh consequences of his own policies.
Blaming others for your choices merely spreads misery as the denial kills. Speaking of denial, is that still even considered a negative character trait among politicians? Considering the fact that missiles are useless without accurate guidance systems capable of on target delivery. Loral and Hughes would know.
Ahhh Hsu I think the Clintons virus has spread around the world.
Pride goes before destruction,
And a haughty spirit before stumbling
-- Proverbs 16:18 --
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