'The Struggle against Abortion turns Deadly

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!Isaiah 5:20
The long smoldering culture clash that is abortion erupted in deadly violence at a Wichita Kansas Church Sunday. Dr Edward Tiller, one of 2 (very)late term abortion providers in the world, was shot and died there yesterday, he was 67.
Many opponents of abortion consider the procedure infanticide and Dr
Tiller a baby killer. I will not defend the doctor’s choice to perform
late term abortions. Neither will I defend the choice to murder him for whatever reason, both result in death. To usurp the laws authority to execute a human being is to play God.
The Pro-Life community in America has been slowly and steadily persuading by educating people on the issues inherent to abortion. This murder, and the media fallout that is inevitable, will not benefit those efforts. It will thrust the issue of late-term abortion back into the media spin cycle with unknown effects. Certainly some pundits will
attempt to generate polarization by labeling all groups opposing
abortion as extremist and dangerous. Those efforts will fail.
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